There’s No Place like Home
5 min readFeb 24, 2017


Toronto Comicon is just around the corner and Facebook is lighting up with notifications from friends wanting to attend. No matter your convention style, if you’re the type to enjoy these sorts of affairs, you probably know that it’s best to plan WELL in advance for the coming festivities. This is because no matter what you look for from the convention experience, you will face some challenges. Depending on how you participate at a convention, your areas of frustration will be as unique to you as your reasons for going.

1) The Fun Goer

Fun goers are often the most easy going. There’s a few shows, comics or films they especially like. Overall, they are there for the general experience of the convention. They look at collectors toys that tickle their nostalgia and have a fun time with friends.

Pros for Fun Goers

There is almost nowhere better to go to find like-minded folks. If you’re willing to approach people, you will have amazing conversations and make new friends quickly, based on shared interests. Additionally, you and they might know of related facts or materials the other doesn’t know, allowing everyone enjoy.

Cons for Fun Goers:

The larger conventions can be absolutely packed with people. While it’s great to meet new people, it it hard to share stories if sitting space is limited. Additionally, it’s easy to lose members of your group in crowds especially if people plan to take advantage of photo ops or attend a panel. It’s a social space, but can be chaotic.

2) The Collector

These are the fanswho come for the limited edition and the rare. They are looking to complete sets of cards, games, toys, books and whatever else you can think of.

Pros for Collectors

This is your best bet to get some limited edition swag without having to pay shipping charges or duties. The Internet makes iteasier to buy collectables and merchandise. However, fans have been burned by incurring risk. For example, items sometimes arrive damaged or are fake. Large and even the smaller conventions dedicated to collectors, are give you the freedom you peruse and explore exactly what you are looking for without future surprises..

Cons for Collectors:

Picture this. You REALLY want that replica of Frostmourn (I have one, it’s awesome) but cringe at the thought of lugging it around all day. It helps to remember how heavy it is to carry. More importantly, you may be questioned and stopped by security or police if you are seen walking around with something they deem a weapon. You need to have a storage space for large or heavy purchases. If you a car, you can drop store it there. What if you don’t have a car? Can you take the merchandise home? No one wants to take a framed artwork on a train or bus. If you’ve carried a heavy bag comics or graphic novels, , you will remember how uncomfortable that felt.Moreover, while it’s the seller’s responsibility to get merchandise to you in pristine condition, it’s your responsibility to get it home that way.

Remember that a convention isn’t a proper retail space. This becomes very apparent after your arms are full with hours remaining at the convention.

3) The Cosplayer

For many people, spending months to create the perfect character costume is the main reason to attend a convention. Fans may very well think you leapt out from a page in a book or a movie screen.

Cosplayers have become one of the defining characteristics of the convention scene. If you don’t dress up, nearly everyone wants to take a picture with a cosplayer.

Pros for Cosplayers

Conventions are basically Halloween minus the candy. You and your friends dress up, put on shows, recreate scenes and have a grand time. You find like-minded folks and get to take part in some truly spectacular group cosplays that are often impromptu. Anyone who’s ever had a kid stare up at them in awe knows it’s one of the best feelings.

Cons for Cosplayers

Months of work goes into making a costume. It can be heartbreaking to put in so many hours upon hours, only to find someone else with a better costumer. While most cosplayers will congratulate others on an amazing job, it still stings the pride. Most troubling, are people who harass people in cosplay. Security at conventions has increased, due to the harassment or assaults that took place against women on the convention floor. The signs that say, “Cosplay is Not Consent” are there for everyone at a convention to obey.

4) The Autograph Collector

Many people treat the convention scene as their chance to meet actors and artists they admire. The opportunity to meet these artists is a big reason fans attend conventions.

Pros for Autograph Collectors

For most fans, the convention is the only place they will ever be able to meet these stars. Not everyone is lucky enough to live in a city, where they accidentally bump into a member of the Fellowship of the Ring. Being able to speak to Gimli and share in a joke will only happen at an artist’s table. It can be an incredible feeling to get encouragement, a laugh or even a handshake from someone you idolize. The convention circuit is often the only place this happens.

Cons for Autograph Collectors

Popular conventions have big crowds and very long lines to meet your favorite artists. When a fan finally gets to the front, they only have a minute or two to share their story.

I would gladly pay double the admission price to be able to have a ten minute conversation with Vic Mignogna but the reality of the situation is that there are nearly eight hundred other people in line who want the same thing. The line needs to move. You also see the frustration by artists on the other side of the table. I’ve seen the line managers push people on or signal to whoever is at the table to keep moving. What follows is the frown on an artist’s face, when this happens.

It’s also easy to forget that while these artists inspire you, they are people too. Greeting hundreds of fans is tiring and by day three, their patience may be running out. They have a hard time remembering so many faces and short conversations with fans. It can be hard to pay sixty dollars for a picture and an autograph with someone you respect when they are exhausted and unable to have a conversation.

Every decision has pros and cons. Attending a convention is no different. As a fan, you want to be sure the pros outweigh the cons and feel like the organizers are doing all they can to make the experience pleasant. This is the golden age of being able to express your nerd soul. I know I will continue to revel in the conventions as a place to broaden my experiences.

